Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sterotypes (Post 4)

Greek life is very caught up in stereotypes. Some are true and many are misconceptions. Here are 5 misconceptions of stereotypes within greek life organizations.

1. They pay for their friends... (very true, we pay) but the friendships that are built are priceless
2. They are just there to party... Yes, fraternities and sororities love to party, but they do way more than just party. Each chapter requires a certain amount of study hours and community service hours. 3.  Don't believe the Hazing Hype... Hazing is not allowed in most greek life chapter. Fraternities are accused of hazing more than sororities. If there is hazing it is minimal and done secretly. For sororities, instead of hazing after initiation, new members are showered with gifts.
4. Greek life is all about socioeconomic status... Again this is not true, sometimes living in the frat or sorority can be cheaper than living in the dorms. Everyone is eligible to pledge or earn a bid.
5. You have to pretend to be someone else to get in... Yes, most frats and sororities have common interests, but once you get in you find your friends that are most like you and have everything in common. A frat or sorority has lots of little cliques. 

The greek life system is weird and complicated but there is more to it than all these stereotypes!

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